Here are some of the ministries flourishing at "THE HOUSE" Church. See something that interests you? Talk to an elder or ministry staff about how you can get involved.

"THE HOUSE" Church Ministries
Various Leaders
Here at “THE HOUSE” Church, members of the congregation are encouraged and given the opportunity to discover their passions. They are also encouraged to share their personal gifts, skills, abilities and talents by serving in various areas of the ministry in order to impact our church and community.
Regardless of a person’s age, gender, nationality, or stage in life, there is a ministry opportunity here at “THE HOUSE” Church that is geared towards their life or what they wish to give back to the church and community. It doesn’t matter who you are or how long you’ve attended our church services.
Your skills, talents, abilities and gifts to advance the Kingdom of God are welcomed at “THE HOUSE” Church. We have a diverse range of ministries (with more to come) through which everyone in the family can get involved. So take a look through and whatever area peeks your interest, make the connection and join our winning teams and let’s get busy expanding the Kingdom of God together! Our present areas of service are:
King’s Men Brotherhood (KMB) - Men’s Mentoring
God’s Gracious Girls (GGG) - Women’s Fellowship
Strangers & Exiles (Teen’s Ministry)
Kids R.O.C.K. (Kids Reaching Out for Christ Kingdom) - Children’s Church
Porter’s Ministry (Ushers)
Unseen Hands (Cleaning/Beautification)
Altar Appeal Ministry
Divine Purpose & Minstrels (Praise Team)
H.I.S. Ministry (House Information Station)
Healthcare Ministry
Vessels of Worship (Dance Ministry)
Sight & Sound Ministry (Audio/Visual)
Silent Messengers of Praise (Mime Ministry)
Resource Center Ministry (Bookstore)
Royalty Café
Military Family Ministry
Events Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Golden Pillars Ministry (55 years and better)
Community Outreach Ministry
Parking Lot Ministry
We’re believing in God to provide more ministry opportunities for service in His house as “THE HOUSE” Church continues to grow!

Strangers & Exiles
Minister Elijhah Magee
Strangers and Exiles is our dynamic teen and youth ministry.
Infusing the next generation with the Gospel and help shape cultural leaders
Developing confident Christ-centered teens to impact the world through counter-cultural values and lifestyles while empowering them to embrace their God given uniqueness.
Hebrews 11:13 – 16 “13 These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. 15 If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.
What are Strangers?
Strangers – “Xenos” – a foreigner; without knowledge of, without a share in: with a genitive of the thing
After Salvation we are no longer under the dominion of or belong to the elements of this world. Col 1:13 states “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,” because of this our relationship to the world is now a strange one. Since we are no longer strangers to the promises of God (Ephesians 2:19), we no longer have a share in the effects and results of a sinful culture since we have died with Christ and been raised to newness of life (Romans 6:3-11). As Strangers we come to recognize that this place is not home. God has stamped us, by faith, in Christ with the seal of Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14). This action designated an official change in citizenship, and now we look toward the future in faith waiting for the promise of our new home to be revealed (John 14:3, Revelation 21:1-5).
What are Exiles?
Exiles – “Parepidemos – sojourning in a strange place; literally, someone “passing through” but still with personal relationship with the people in that locale (note the prefix, para, “close beside”). This temporary (but active) relationship is made necessary by circumstances. (These are defined only by the context.)
After recognizing that we are Exiles our physical location does not change, but our spiritual position does. Yet, we still must live and experience and go through life in this world even though it is a temporary journey. Jesus declared that though we are in this World we are no longer of this World (John 17:14) but He has sent us into the World just as he was sent (John 17:18). Though we do not partner with the evil nature in this present world, just like our Lord we love the people that are lost in it. Therefore as Exiles we labor by the strength of Christ to impact people and influence the culture with Christ so that Light might shine in the darkness (John 1:5).
To find out more, visit our Instagram page at www.instagram.com/strangersandexilesthc

Sonship Theological Institute
Apostle Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
Welcome to the virtual community of Sonship Theological Institute (STI), a ministry-minded school in the church.
Our six-month Course is focused on the discipline of ministry studies, and is aimed at individual Christians, ministers of the Gospel, and local assemblies throughout the world.
Our Emphasis is not on accreditation but on certification of able ministers, equipped with sound doctrine, so they will be able to teach others what they have been taught.
Our Desire is to impact our communities, to the degree that people not only hear but also see the Gospel animated in our very lives—and to become what Jesus said we would be: witnesses for Him.
If your desire is to make your calling and election sure, perhaps STI is the place for you. Please feel free to contact us at 757–671–2220

King's Men Brotherhood
Apostle Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
Birthed in the heart of its’ visionary; Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr., the King’s Men Brotherhood focuses on building the total man; spirit, soul and body!
Our vision is that “Every Man would be the Man” in every area of his life involving his home, community and the church. This is done through our regular weekly services, our Bi-monthly KMB fellowships and through our “B2B” (Brother 2 Brother) mentoring and accountability program.
The KMB is founded upon four major (4) core values that stem from I Peter 2:17 which are as follows:
* Honour all men
* Love the brotherhood
* Fear God
* Honour the King
Our goal is to not only draw men into the Kingdom of God but to also see them actively taking the lead and setting godly examples for the youth and young men of “THE HOUSE” Church to follow.
Unlike Cain that killed his brother Abel with no remorse or concern for his life (Genesis 4:8-9) , the KMB practices and believes in the statement; “I Am My Brother’s Keeper.”

God's Gracious Girls
First Lady Lilliette Magee
Birthed in the heart of First Lady Lilliette C. Magee, God’s Gracious Girls (GGG Sisterhood) is the women’s fellowship of “THE HOUSE” Church. Her vision for GGG is to inspire and empower women from all walks of life to embrace who God has made them to be!
The cornerstone of GGG’s core values is I Corinthians 15:10 which states, “But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain….
”Our goal as women is to continue to grow in the grace of God and to express ourselves by embracing our individuality as women of God who have been created special, unique, and a one of a kind in the eyes of God!
We endeavor to know who we are in God by knowing who He is in us! Because of Him we are unique women! Because of Him we are gifted women! Because of Him we are anointed women! Because of Him we are women with a Kingdom passion, assignment and focus.
First Lady Magee’s heart is that the women of the GGG Sisterhood would become godly role models to their sisters, daughters, nieces and other females that they come into contact with on a daily basis.
Our motto which is taken from Psalm 139:14 which expresses the true essence of the GGG Sisterhood is:
To find out more, visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LadyLMageeandGGG
Get Involved Today!
If you see an area where you would like to serve and develop in your purpose in Christ, contact us today at:
(757) 671-2220