These teachings and resources are available to help you grow and find power and applicable scripture for various things you might deal with.

Let Him Put It Together:
The Type of Church Jesus is Building
by Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
Did you know that nearly 3,850 to 7,700 congregations close their doors every year? That means that it is a startling 75-150 congregations closing each week. But why are so many churches closing shop? While there are many variables that must be factored into the demise of a church such as a lack of vision, a lack of growth, a lack of finances, the pastor leaving the church, or perhaps due to the untimely or unexpected death of the pastor, perhaps one of the major reasons for many of these ministries faltering and failing is that they were never genuinely called by God to be established.

How to Look Good When Things Look Bad
by Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
How Do We Truly Maintain Faith in the Face of Adversity?“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” - Romans 8:28One of the most well known promises of God contained within His word, is that God himself makes all things work together for our good. That's definitely the truth, however the harsh reality is that there will be times in our lives when things aren't going so good for us. What are we to say? What are we to do then? How should we respond?In this book, Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr. will share nuggets from Romans 8:28 that will be simplistic but very informative, and insightful. They will empower you to maintain your faith in the face of any, and all adversities and adverse circumstances, or situations in life that you may ever encounter. It's time for you to start getting excited about your ability to look good when things look bad.

The Prayer of Agreement
by First Lady Lilliette Magee
The scriptures give us several different types of prayer we can engage in to grow in our relationship with God, impact the world around us and address our various needs. Each type of prayer offers a different manifestation. But one of these biblical models stands apart in its power to transform our lives and our world. In this book, First Lady Lilliette Magee delves into the principle of praying in agreement to show us the power and importance of this extraordinary tool for change. Within lies the key to taking your marriage, your finances, your ministry and more to the next level.

The Prophet's Reward
by Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
Do you accurately perceive the prophet of God in your midst? Have you positioned yourself to receive all that you can from him or her? Is that relationship the catalyst to your destiny and abundance that God created it to be? In this controversial new book, Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr. reveals what the Bible has to say about our relationships with the prophets of God assigned to us - our local pastors. He explains clearly and biblically why it is so important for us to deal with our leaders with respect, honor and loyalty and outlines the blessings that follow when we activate this biblical principle.

Jesus: The Name Above All Names
by Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
We name just about everything in our culture. We name our kids. We name our cars. We name our issues. We name our frailties. We name our failures and diseases. But the Bible says that there is one name that stands above every other. There is one name that carries within it the power to dry up disease, turn a homeless man into a millionaire, turn a murderous drug dealer into a loving and bold preacher of the gospel. But what we receive from a name depends on how we perceive it, or what that name means to us. In this book, Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr. shows us how to accurately perceive the Lord’s name, and therefore claim our right to use it with world-changing power.

Catching the Spirit of Faith
by Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
Many believers do not truly understand or appreciate faith. In that lack of understanding, they treat it like a spare tire or last resort and thereby completely underestimate its ability to transform their lives. In this game-changing little book, Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr shows how we can take an active engaging role in our walk of faith, position ourselves to successfully walk in faith, and how we can use our own natural faith to catch the supernatural spirit of faith that can literally change the world.

The Description of Faith
by Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
Dr. Johnny L. Magee, Jr. is known across the nation for his simple, powerful and easily understood teaching on faith and how to get it operating miraculously in your life. In this power-packed minibook, Dr. Magee shares his profound revelation on faith in a concise and accessible way that allows you to read it again and again and see the benefits manifest in your life in increasing measure. This small life-changing read is sure to become a staple in your library, and a valuable resource that you revisit often.